Student Success Center

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center provides academic advising, academic support services, and personal development resources. The Student Success Center serves as an information hub to help students access multiple resources on campus. Career Planning, the Blosser Program, and Retention Programs are housed in the Student Success Center. The Office of Accessibility and Disability/504 Compliance Coordinator are available to assist students with disabilities who request accommodations. For more information:

Students With Disabilities

The College seeks to comply fully with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who would like to request accommodations must self-identify and should arrange a meeting with The Office of Accessibility and Disability/504 Compliance Coordinator, Debbie Coleman, at (660) 831-4170 or Though accommodation requests can be made and will be accepted and considered at any time, students are encouraged to make such requests as soon as possible after the student decides that accommodations are needed. Failure to timely request accommodations could delay their implementation, and accommodations are not effective retroactively so that a student will not be able to re-do assignments or re-take exams that were completed prior to receiving accommodations. Upon request for accommodations, the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator and student will enter into an interactive process to determine what, if any, reasonable accommodations are available. As a part of this process, the student will be required to provide documentation from a qualified professional showing eligibility for accommodations.

Please refer to the College’s Disability Services webpage for more information about the disability accommodation process. If you have any questions, please contact the ADA Section 504 Coordinator.